CONTACT us If you want to get in touch with us, this are our communication channels.You can help the conservation of the Ruddy-headed goose by helping us with your donation, spreading our work and by being part of our team.#savethesheldgeese Name Email Topic Comment (optional) I'm not a robot Doná +54 9 2234 23-7662 trabajá con nosotros +54 9 2266 53-3174 ayudanos a difundir +54 9 2235 24-2116 Seguinos en redes! @cauquencolorado @cauquen.colorado Name Email Topic Comment (optional) I'm not a robot Donate +54 9 2234 23-7662 Be part of our team and work with us +54 9 2266 53-3174 Help us spread the word +54 9 2235 24-2116 Follow us in social media