- Quantification of the potential damage caused by sheldgeese grazing on wheat, taking into account the crop cycle and the grazing intensity.
- Quantification of the sheldgeese´s role in the provision of ecosystem services in agroecosystems, in terms of nutrient supply and weed control.
- Study of the sheldgeese diet in the southeast of Buenos Aires.
- Abundance estimation of the three species of sheldgeese in the southeast of Buenos Aires.
Construction of habitat suitability maps based on environmental variables that determine their distribution and/or abundance.
Analysis of their annual migration, identifying breeding, wintering and migratory stopover sites.
Analysis of their annual migration, identifying breeding, wintering and migratory stopover sites.
Analysis of the spatial (environmental) and temporal (climatic) factors that are involved in the selection of their migratory stopover sites.
Determination of the collision risk areas between the Ruddy-headed goose migratory routes, wind farms, and high-
voltage power lines.
Construction of simulation models of the Ruddy-headed goose migratory routes to determine the impacts of human
Monitoring and assessment of the situation and diagnosis of the potential effects the construction of hydroelectric dams could have on the Ruddy-headed goose migratory stopovers on the Santa Cruz river.
Site and dates registration of the Ruddy-headed goose
migratory stopovers inside the National Parks (Parque Interjurisdiccional Marino Costero Patagonia Austral, Parque Nacional Bosques Petrificados de Jaramillo, Parque Interjurisdiccional Marino Makenke y Parque Nacional Monte León) and their influence zones.
Scientific Papers on Ruddy-headed Goose
- Pedrana J., Gorosábel A., Pütz K., Bernad L. 2023. First assessment on the infuence of wind farms and high‑voltage networks on ruddy‑headed goose Chloephaga rubidiceps migration in Patagonia, Argentina.
- Pedrana J., K. Pütz, L. Bernad, S. Muñoz, A. Gorosábel, G. Castresana Gabriel, A. Leiss, J.P. Seco Pon. 2020. Spatial and temporal variation in the migration of Ruddy-headed Geese in southern South America using satellite tagging. Bird Conservation Internacional, 2020: 1-15.
- Gorosábel, A., L. Bernad, J. Pedrana. 2020. Ecosystem services provided by wildlife in the Pampas region, Argentina. Ecological Indicators, 117: 106576
- Gorosábel, A., J. Pedrana, L. Bernad, V.J. Caballero, S.D. Muñoz, N.O. Maceira. 2019. Evaluating the impacts and benefits of sheldgeese on crop yields in the Pampas region of Argentina: A contribution for mitigating the conflicts with agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 279: 33–42.
- Pedrana J., L. Bernad, N.O. Maceira, J.P. Isacch. 2018. Niche overlap through habitat suitability models: a management tool for native birds of the Argentinean Pampas. Ardeola, 65(1): 25-40.
- Pedrana J., L. Bernad, J.N. Bernardos, J.P. Seco Pon, J.P. Isacch, S.D. Muñóz, N.O. Maceira. 2018. Winter Population Size Estimations of Three Migratory Sheldgeese in the Southern Pampas, Argentina. Waterbirds, 41(1):16-21. 2018.
- Pedrana J., K. Pütz, L. Bernad, J.P. Seco Pon, A. Gorosabel, S.D. Muñoz, J.P. Isacch, R. Matus, O. Blank, B. Lüthi, M. Lunardelli, P. Rojas. 2018. Migration routes and stopover sites of Upland Geese Chloephaga picta in South America. Avian Biology Research 11: 89–99.
- Pedrana, J., J.P. Seco Pon, J.P. Isacch, A. Leiss, P.O. Rojas, G. Castresana, J. Calvo, L. Bernad, S.D. Muñoz, N.O. Maceira, K. Pütz. 2015. First insights into the migration pattern of an upland goose based on satellite tracking. Ornitología Neotropical 26: 245–253.
- Pedrana J., L. Bernad, N.O. Maceira, y J.P. Isacch. 2014. Human–Sheldgeese conflict in agricultural landscapes: Effects ofenvironmental and anthropogenic predictors on Sheldgeese distribution in the southern Pampa, Argentina. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 183: 31– 39.
- Pedrana J., J. Bustamante, A. Rodríguez, A. Travaini. 2011. Primary productivity and disturbance as determinants of large-scale distribution of Upland Goose in southern Patagonia. Ibis 153: 517–530
Scientific Papers on wildlife conservation
- Gorosábel, A., Bernad, L., Muñoz, S.D., Pedrana, J. (2022). Density surface modeling of European hare in the Argentinean Pampas. Mammal Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13364-021-00613-3
- Gorosábel, A., Bernad, L., Muñoz, S.D., Pedrana, J. (2022). Using the ecosystem services approach to link raptors with human well‑being in the Southeast Pampas of Argentina. Biodiversity and Conservation https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-022-02372-2
- Scioscia, N., Hecker, Y.P., Arranz Solís, D., Pedrana, J., Urtizbiria, F.N., Campero, L.M., Olmos, L., Scioli, M.V., Dorsch, M.A., et al. (2022). Pampas fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus) of the Argentine Pampas as intermediate host for Neospora caninum. Parasitology International. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.parint.2022.102549
- Pütz, K., C. Gherardi-Fuentes, P. García-Borboroglu, C. Godoy, M. Flagg, J. Pedrana, J.A. Vianna, A. Simeone, B. Lüthi 2021. Exceptional foraging plasticity in King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) from a recently established breeding site in Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Global Ecology and Conservation 28 (2021) e01669.
- Rosas, Y.M., P.L. Perim A.M. Pidgeon, N. Politi, J. Pedrana, R. Diaz-Delgado, G. Martinez Pastur (2021). Human footprint defining conservation strategies in Patagonian landscapes: Where we are and where we want to go?. Journal for Nature Conservation 59 (2021) 125946.
- Gorosábel, A., L. Bernad, J. Pedrana. 2020. Ecosystem services provided by wildlife in the Pampas region, Argentina. Ecological Indicators, 117: 106576
- Pedrana J., A. Travaini, J.I. Zanón, S.C. Zapata, A. Rodríguez, J. Bustamante. 2019. Environmental factors influencing guanaco distribution and abundance in central Patagonia, Argentina. Wildlife Research, 46: 1-11.
- Travaini, A., S.C. Zapata, J. Bustamante, J. Pedrana, J.I. Zanón, A. Rodríguez. 2015. Guanaco abundance and monitoring in Southern Patagonia: distance sampling reveals substantially greater numbers than previously reported. Zoological Studies 54: 23.
- Pedrana J., L. Bernad, N.O. Maceira, J.P. Isacch. 2015. The Greater rhea-human conflict in agricultural landscapes: implications for conservation of the last large herbivore of the southern Pampas. Emu, 115(4): 335-344.
- Pütz, K., P.N. Trathan, J. Pedrana, M.A. Collins, S. Poncet, B. Lüthi. 2014. Post-Fledging Dispersal of King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) from Two Breeding Sites in the South Atlantic. PLoS ONE 9(5): e97164.